I waited until Sunday to post about R Cubed Clothing because when I shop with them it is usually because I need to escape and feel some zen. Their calm vibe may be just what you need to cap off your Sunday night AND the woman behind the businesses is awesome, so that helps too. I hope you enjoy today’s edition of “Spreading Love and Kindness – One Small Business at a Time” and if you need a little background of how these series of posts came to be, you can check out: POST 1, POST 2 and POST 3.
I picked R Cubed because they are the true definition of a small business. Nadia is many things, but above all else, she is a good person, who always gives back in any way that she can. She uses her talents and time to help someone else who is in need. Nadia is also a mom of two and she is the founder/owner of R Cubed. Click on the link below to find out about what makes her so unique.
R Cubed Clothing

Apparel Distributor Parksville’s Modern Consignment Boutique + Artisan Collective -Refined – Refreshed – Reloved, Home of the Rcubed Brand #tidesandtrails
I still remember when Nadia started R Cubed… she was buzzing on the phone as she expressed her ideas. She had all the branding down, the concept for the business and it was so awesome to see her so happy. So what does R Cubed mean? It stands for clothing that has been…
refined – refreshed – revolved.
She is promoting the awareness of how fragile our environment is, and she recognizes the importance of repurposing our clothing. Sometimes it just needs a little love and it can take on a second life for someone else.
Anyone who has met Nadia knows that she has an entrepreneurial spirit and an abundance of creativity. She was teased by her family growing up that she loved fashion to the point where she was going to need an additional full-sized room as her closet! For Nadia though, fashion wasn’t just about herself. It was about others. When friends didn’t know what to wear to an interview, who did they call… Nadia. When her mom wasn’t sure what style or cut of dress would look good on her, who did she all? Nadia. Therefore, at a young age, she was training to become a stylist; she just didn’t realize it at the time. Nadia feels blessed that her love for fashion has evolved into something much bigger than just herself.
Another reason I chose to feature Nadia and R Cubed is she used to care for seniors right in their home. She has a deep amount of gratitude for those operating on the front lines and when she had to close R Cubed doors temporarily she just knew it was the right thing to do, to reduce the spread. She has been relying on online sales and keeping engaged with her customers that feel like friends. She remains positive and despite it being tough times, she does what she can to give back, even though times are tough for her.
Thank you to Nadia and all the very small businesses out there. We see you and thank you for your positivity and posts of kindness.
While we practice social distancing we hope you will visit us online at:
If you have any questions email me at: shannon@shopalive.ca
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