Every flyer Alice writes an ASK Alice column on page 12. It is here below for you as well as the link to our flyer. Find a location near you and shop with one of our knowledgable, passionate Wellness Associates or you can shop online and find the deals page here along with the digital flyer. We hope to see you soon! You can also call us toll-free at:
1 866 499 9546

Keeping Your Immunity Up, Mind Strong So We Can Carry On
Some of us are back to work in the office, while some of us are still at home working remotely. No matter what your situation is, there are a few common denominators I hear from customers “What can I do to have a strong immune system, how can I help my mental health and how can I cut down on all this boredom snacking I have been doing?” We know more than ever that our health is vital and getting back to our routines is a chance to look at our health goals and aspirations. Now that your schedules are falling back into place it is time to take care of your family and make sure to visit (p 3) for optimal school performance & immunity. Are you sending your loved ones off to University for the first time? Make sure they take a quality fish oil like, Alive Norwegian One-A-Day fish oils (p 8). Parents’ energy can be a huge factor and we have something for you, take Alive Royal Jelly (p 1) and Platinum Naturals Easy Multi-Vitamins (p 8).They are fantastic to make sure you have a solid foundation for a healthy heart, immune system, brain, eyes, memory and a sustained supply of ENERGY. WEIGHT LOSS is always on our minds even when we have no one to impress see (p 2) for a weight loss program that suits YOU! We are proud to bring you the very best selection of products, further discounts, EXCLUSIVE exciting bonus offers. Our knowledgeable team of Natural Health Care Associates are ready to assist you on your health goals. We hope you enjoy the flyer and we look forward to seeing you at a location near you!
NEW LOCATION: Oakridge MOVED to Kerrisdale to 2246 West 41st Ave in Vancouver
Lastly, as a small Canadian business, online sales have helped us keep going. Did you know that a percentage of our online sales go towards the Food banks of greater Vancouver? You are not only supporting us, but we are also working together to help support those in need.

While we practice social distancing we hope you will visit us online at:
Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health! Get excited and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor/health care professional to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with whatever your health concerns are.