If you are thinking about revamping your supplement regime or if you are brand new to the vitamins world… You are in the right place. I am happy to help you find the right multivitamin, the right calcium, the right protein, or any supplement. While supplements are helpful and vital to having holistic health, I am also passionate about inspiring people to find an activity they love… I can help you find the right exercise routine and I know full well how hard it is to get active when it has been months or years of being sedentary. Lastly, if you are struggling with slow metabolism or you have sugar cravings, I am also here to assist with meal planning and dietary suggestions… We are all different and my favourite part about what I do is finding the program that will fit your lifestyle and body’s needs.
Now is the time to save on your favourite supplements – with almost everything on sale! January is our biggest sale – it is time to start your health journey with sustainable goals for your unique self… You can reach out to me by email, the blog, and I can meet you at a location near you…

Great health is a daily process of continuous nourishment & commitment to your body, mind, and soul. It is about taking it one step at a time and making decisions that are sustainable for you and your unique self.
You can view our FULL digital flyer here, and for weight loss and weight management tips, see page 2. The small snapshot below are a few products I love. Aeryon Wellness – Lose It is one of my absolute go-to’s.

Löse It
Löse It works by promoting estrogen metabolism and a healthy balance of estrogen in the body, while supporting fat loss through increased thermogenesis and calorie burning. Unlike other fat burners that only boost thermogenesis, Lose it works to balance out the female hormonal system and unlock estrogen’s hold on your fat-burning potential.
How does Löse It work?
Lose it metabolism support works by promoting estrogen metabolism and a healthy balance of estrogen in the body, while supporting fat loss through increased thermogenesis and calorie burning. Unlike other fat burners that only boost thermogenesis, Lose it works to balance out the female hormonal system and unlock estrogen’s hold on your fat-burning potential.
What is Löse It made of?
Löse It is a scientifically-backed, all-natural formula that works to promote a healthy endocrine (hormonal) system by balancing estrogen in the body and stimulating the metabolism to burn off excess fat.
By using ingredients like Indol-3-carbinol, Red Pepper Extract, L-Carnitine, Vitamin B12, Olive Leaf, Caffeine and Green Tea this herbal support supplement can promote weight loss, balance hormones, suppress appetite and enhance your workouts.
Is Löse It right for me?
If you find yourself at a weight loss plateau, suffering from low energy, experiencing estrogen dominance weight gain in your stomach and midsection or needing that extra motivation to get through your workouts, Lose It will provide you the relief you need. The Lose it Metabolism Support Supplement can also be used alongside Water B Gone for the ultimate weight loss stack.
Löse It metabolism support
- Enhances Fat Metabolism & Weight Loss
- Exercise Enhancer & Increases Energy
- Balances Estrogen to Boost Fat Loss
What makes Löse It Unique?
Löse it is a weight-loss supplement that’s specifically formulated for a woman’s unique hormonal system. Lose it works with the female body to reduce and balance estrogen while activating metabolic pathways for enhanced fat burning.
Estrogen is the dominant sex hormone in the female body. It’s considered a fat-storing hormone. Subcutaneous fat, which is the fat you develop just under your skin, has estrogen receptors. When your estrogen levels are too high and not in balance your body is more likely to store fat instead of burning it off.
How does Löse it work?
Lose it works by promoting estrogen metabolism and a healthy balance of estrogen in the body, while supporting fat loss through increased thermogenesis and calorie burning. Unlike other fat burners that only boost thermogenesis, Lose it works to balance out the female hormonal system and unlock estrogen’s hold on your fat-burning potential.
Lose it works on the first dose. Take 1 capsule 2 to 3 times daily, every 3 to 4 hours. If you want to experience maximum results, it’s important to combine Lose it with a healthy calorie-reduced diet and a consistent workout program that includes resistance training and cardiovascular activity. Make sure to check out your FREE Lose It Meal Planner and Exercise Tips.
Lastly, as a small Canadian business, online sales have helped us keep going. Did you know that a percentage of our online sales go towards the Foodbanks of greater Vancouver? You are not only supporting us, but we are also working together to help support those in need.

While we practice social distancing we hope you will visit us online at:
Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health! Get excited and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor/health care professional to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with whatever your health concerns are.